How Covid-19 Will Change the Future of Packaging Forever
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world to its core, uprooting our economy and disrupting our daily lives in a way we probably didn’t consider possible. One of the most commonly used terms to describe this period has been ‘unprecedented’ - but in the world of plastics and packaging, there is still so much change to come. The last few months have totally shifted the perception of packaging and its role within society, and in turn, drastically altered its future. As one of the industries that will emerge with stronger public awareness of the importance of our offering, it is vital that we react to this increased attention by continuing to innovate and work towards lasting solutions.
Our Energy Saving Initiatives
Caps & Closures has designed a program for a progressive reduction in energy consumption in our operations, and make a shift from fossil to renewable energy sources. The plan defines many actions toward our goal of minimal energy and greenhouse footprint, including replacing inefficient plant infrastructure and machines with low energy consumption units. These efforts significantly reduced consumption while increasing production capacity.
Australian Packaging Converters Step Up to Meet Shortages
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, as the government calls on industry to make products in short supply, manufacturers are turning to local packaging companies for help. PKN spoke to Caps & Closures about our response to the crisis and the growing need for Australia’s self-sufficiency, especially when it comes to the supply of essential items for public safety.
Anzac at Home
With 25 April just around the corner, many Australians are considering how they will mark the national day of remembrance. While the annual Anzac Day service may still proceed, the coronavirus restrictions remain strictly in place. However, being stuck at home on Anzac Day won’t stop Caps & Closures and our team from honouring our fallen heroes. Here are some ways you can join us in commemorating our heroes from the past and the present.
2020 Vision: The Plastic Industry’s Sustainability Goals For The New Decade
When it comes to packaging, many people dismiss plastics as a harmful, single-use material with no place in our future – however, this doesn’t have to be the case. Mythbusting this fear of plastic and educating consumers on its circularity, usefulness, and potential role in mitigating climate change is one of the key actions Caps and Closures are taking to promote sustainable behaviour. We’re kicking off the 2020s with a focus on innovation and environmental leadership – here are the plastic industry’s sustainability goals for the new decade!
Ezy-Squeeze™ wins WorldStar 2020 Award
The Gold Winner is awarded to Nulon Products Australia & Caps and Closures for the Nulon Ezy-Squeeze™ fluid transfer system which replaces the traditional rigid packaging with a flexible pouch and applicator that has made accessing hard-to-reach fill points on a car quick and easy.